FCBD® Certified Studio

Last year, we adopted Partner Studio as a more inclusive alternative to Sister and Brother Studio. In order to simplify our terminology and unite everyone under the same designation, we are consolidating Sister, Brother, and Certified Studio into a single term: Certified Studio.

To celebrate this change, we’re excited to debut a beautiful new Certified Studio logo, designed by Jesse Stanbridge and Liz Malcolm.

We are in the process of updating our website and the Certified Studio site, which will remain at https://fcbd.com/studio-locations/. In the meantime, please take a moment to review your Certified Studio listing and ensure that your information is up to date. Your listing is an essential way for new students to find an instructor in their area.

If you have trouble logging in or have forgotten your password, please send an email to certifiedstudio@fcbd.com.

About the Certified Studio Logo

The Certified Studio logo was designed by Jesse Stanbridge with help from Liz Malcolm.  From Jesse: 

I developed the logo to be an homage to both the old [Sister/Brother/Partner Studio] logo and to Megha Gavin, AND combine it with the look and feel of the FCBD® Logo.

The old logo was of a dancer with lifted arms holding flowers, so combine that concept and matched it with the FCBD® logo of the hand holding a zill. It turned into a single hand holding a flower. 

I chose the lotus flower in homage to Megha, who was heavily inspired by and appreciated Indian dance and culture so much. She brought that into FCBD®Style and we will continue to honor her and her contribution. 

Then, I wanted the same color palette as the FCBD® logo to show togetherness between the FCBD® organization and the Certified Studios. 

Liz Malcom helped me refine these ideas and created the graphics for the logo based on the drawings from my iPad! I appreciate her and the collaboration so much. 


Name Change Statement


Four Big Influences of Moroccan elements in FCBD® Style