It’s All Improv

A lovely podcast from ‘A Little Lighter’ with creator of FCBD®Style, Carolena Nericcio.

Some of the topics Alicia and Carolena discuss:

Where Did the Name Fat Chance Belly Dance Come From?

Where Did the Term America Tribal Style Come From?

Is Tribal Belly Dance Cultural Appropriation?

How to Simplify Choreography

You want to be able to look down from overhead and see what the formations of dancers are doing.

The Dialects of ATS

Other Sort-of Cued Improv Dance Forms: Square Dance & Greek Line Dance

Why are you there if you’re not there for the bliss of following the directions?

Where did FCBD costuming come from?

What music do you love to dance to now?

Where Does Carolena Nericcio Like to Travel?

What do Face Tattoos Mean in ATS?


Moving Forward


What’s in a Name?