The FCBD®Style A-Frame House

Carolena, Creator of FCBD®Style, often shares a visualization that lays out the important aspects of our dance as an A-Frame house.

Julia Stoiber, a lovely dancer located in Austria, was inspired to create this beautiful representation of this visualization and concept. She recently shared the image in our General Skills Autumn 2021 class to which Carolena replied with this beautiful explanation:

“I like to imagine FCBD®Style as a pyramid shape, like an A-frame house, with the music as a bridge that leads to the garden where the audience is sitting.

At the very top of the house is gratitude; we are thankful for the time to dance and acknowledge all of the elements that make our dance possible. The next level is the structure; your personal posture and the group formations of the duet, trio, and quartet. The biggest level of the house is where all of the steps live; it’s a big family! Finally, in front of the house are fantastic costumes and lots of jewelry. The music is the bridge that connects the dancer to the audience.

The audience sees the house in reverse. Through the bridge of the music they first see the costume and jewelry, then the steps and formations. They probably don’t see the posture and gratitude but they infer it via the attitude of the dancer’s body.

As a dancer, be sure to look at the dance from the top of the house all the way down to the garden: gratitude, posture, formations, steps and music, costume and jewelry.”

FCBD House.jpg

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