LIVE at 10am pacific - Subscriber only event
Join Carolena, creator of FatChanceBellyDance®Style for a very special edition of Ask Carolena!
This month we'll have a community Zoom session for our subscribers with a focus on Zils!
Bring your favorite pair of finger cymbals and supplies let's start out with some Zil care:
Changing elastic - you'll need some fresh elastic, small safety pins or thread and needle
Polishing your zils - silver or brass polish (depending on your zils) or some toothpaste and a towel
Riffing lesson and Q&A - We'll follow up our Zil care and chat with a lesson on "riffing" followed by a Q&A
As always, these sessions are full of wonderful stories, fascinating conversations and an absolute love of all things FCBD®Style!
Live, Monthly Q&A session with th creator of FatChanceBellyDance® Style to answer all your questions regarding the topics of the month’s classes and workshops at FCBD® University.
This is your opportunity to keep learning straight from the source.
Ever dreamed of being able to ask her anything you wanted after a FatChanceBellyDance® class you’ve just taken? That is a reality now!
She’ll be there for you, for us, for our Community.
*Subscriber exclusive event. Not available to purchase individually.
Access the class HERE